Thursday, May 1, 2008

When considering spending advertising dollars...

We now have four publications and have another two we are looking to launch before the end of the year. One of the tasks I do most days is flick through other publications to get a feel for which companies are doing print and in what types of publications. As an advertiser my self I also have an interest in which mediums might work for my Trade Centre business.

It's perhaps marketing 101 for those with heaps of experience but at the moment I keep coming back to three key considerations:

1. What's the reach of the medium, how many people see it - the number of eyeballs.
2. Are they the right eyeballs- that is - are they likely to buy my product or service
3. What context is my message being seen in. For me there are two parts to this. Firstly do I want my message seen in this style of medium and secondly would the reader be expecting to see and be receptive to my message in this medium.

As the economy perhaps gets a little tighter I would expect that those spending the marketing dollars will start to consider the above more closely. We should see a shift to more targeted advertising which might be slightly dearer per eyeball but in my view better value for money.